Monday, September 21, 2009

SAHM Triumph: To Do List

I'm pretty famous for my to do lists. I incessantly make and disregard them. But, here I go...

When I pile all of my metaphorical hats on at once, I accomplish nothing. The list overwhelms me and I surf the web.

I wrote numerous lists at work every day--copies, emails, phone calls, and grading. For this week, I'll try this at my new work--I and all of my readers will see if the list improves my productivity. 

I work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week. That's good-I'll be up, showered, make-uped and still have most of my day left. Thats bad-lots of lesson planning.

1. Grocery shopping. (This is such a huge undertaking that it needs more than those two words beside the number one).
2. Call CILCO. Our bill is a mess.
3. Take the out-grown clothes downstairs.
4. Vacuum, dust, pick up, repeat ten times a day.
5. Laundry. (Again, this should look longer to compliment the severity of the task).

I will leave it at that. Teaching work, kids work, and all of this other stuff--I will see and report back. Maybe by having this short list I will accomplish it and feel happy. I've been getting down about the whole SAHM situation because I don't report to anyone or complete paperwork. I feel like I need to be doing more. I'm probably fine, but I'm still a little lost. Every time I think I've got it, I don't. We'll experiment with the list.

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