Friday, August 19, 2011

Financial Friday: Organic Talk is Free

Situations can change with intelligent debate.

Last Wednesday my "Wonder Why" column concerned the portrayal of male and females on children's television shows. I could say that people had strong opinions, but that would be an understating the situation. I believe in respectful debate, so I tried to listen to all sides. One reader did have this to say:

I think that allowing your child's favorite TV programs and other social norms provoke conversation will not only allow you, as the parent, a portal into your child's perceptions but also feel more organic to the child than sitting him or her down for a "discussion." Many parents make the mistake of formalizing conversation and turn their child off to the idea of talking with mom or dad long before the dreaded preteen and teen phases.

The idea of "organic" conversation spoke to me. When I think of that term, I envision natural, true, unforced talk. I thought of several examples from my children's lives:

  • When putting on their shoes, we name "left" and "right."
  • We discuss colors as we take walks - the mailboxes, sky, trees, vehicles, etc.
  • We say prepositions, or position words, with our objects and locations - the bear is on the shelf, under the desk.
In all of those situations, our conversations are organic and my children understand the lessons well. For example, our discussions over colors leads to deciding if a mailbox is blue, or a light gray.

When Ty did this art project, we had an endless conversation about what you can do with a cereal box.

Instead of eliminating or limiting generally safe shows, using the problems as platforms for organic discussions (preschool or preteen) may be the safer route.

The idea of organic conversations with children seems so simple but I know I don't always follow through with them. What are other opportunities for organic conversations?

SAHM successes are important, and their value will show in our children. 


  1. I'm so glad to read this post.

    I find the more you take a child out into the community, and even traveling elsewhere, you find endless opportunities for discussion, explanation, questions, et cetera. They will see and hear things and want to know more. Curiosity is natural for children, as you said preschool or preteen, and I do believe that if you encourage and respond well to the curiosity with your preschooler, the child will feel more comfortable to ask about the tough stuff as a preteen.

    One thing about conversation becoming a comfortable activity in your home is that as your children develop questions and thoughts:

    a) they will feel comfortable to ask or share them in the open, trusting environment you've created and

    b) your children will have the vocabulary to do so, as your environment becomes more "wordy."

    The benefits of child-to-adult conversation are endless.

    My hope as an educator is that conversation at home will help children feel comfortable with discussion in the classroom, and that teachers will prompt and encourage discussion as well.

    Organic conversation at home and teachable moments in the classroom are synonymous, in that the children will often lead the way, if the adult makes them feel like they can.

  2. Many of our organic conversations start at the table during lunch or dinner. Sometimes my husband and I sit on our back porch and we ask the kids to join us. Inevitably they ask what we want or what we are doing. We tell them we are just sitting here enjoying the warmth or the cool breeze. They have never gone back inside (at least not yet) sitting there with us organic conversation flourish.

  3. I just have stuck onto this idea of organic conversation. It is so well worded, and so important.


Your thoughts... questions... ideas... I love feedback!